A surprise email appeared in my in-box this week... Someone had stumbled upon my Blog and, somehow, felt moved to make a comment, the message implored (too strong a word?) me to write some more.
Not wishing to disappoint my new found 'follower', I considered this option for about 30 seconds before realising I no longer felt grumpy - well, at least not as grumpy as I once was. That was before I escaped the clutches of employment and became the master of my own destiny... by becoming self employed.
And that was almost 2 years ago.
And then I reflected on my motivation to 'blog' in the first place - was it because I was grumpy, or maybe cynical, a pessimist, a realist, a sceptic, or perhaps simply someone who enjoys writing a few words for his own amusement? Or a time waster?
My wife would probably opt for the latter.
I think I just like to 'get things off my chest', and on reflection, there have been many occasions over the last 2 years when I've ranted at the TV or the radio when I could have opened my Blog and purged myself by writing a few words - had a giggle at the absurdity of it all - and moved on.
Well, maybe I'll do just that from now on....
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