Thursday, 19 June 2008

Bugger - Germany won!

Well, that’s 2 weeks of this Blogging lark and I’ve just had a moment of reflection.

I had a great moan about the DSA all lined up (not a difficult challenge, I admit. Like all Government departments, they’re an easy target), but then I wondered who was going to read it.

Weird thing this Blogging – you could be talking to millions, or perhaps a couple of sympathetic friends who reluctantly accepted my site address as I forced it into their hands.

So, I ask myself – what’s the point?

Actually, that’s all a lie – I’m watching the football and I can’t be arsed to write anything...


Anonymous said...

"a couple of sympathetic friends"? Who's your other friend then?

Grumpy Old Biker said...

Thanks a bunch, Nige.

Can't you at least keep posting using different names? You never know - it might fool someone...